KCK Atom AAA Second Cuts


The following players are invited back to the next icetime September 29th at 4pm in Kensington, please be at the rink by 3pm.  There will be a $25.00 fee for the jamboree.
1 - Abby Dingwell
2 - Aiden MacDonald
3 - Avery MacPhee
4 - Brady Chaisson
5 - Charlie Coffin
6 - Connor Morisson
7-Jase MacPherson
8-John Maclean
9-Landon MacDonald
10-Mason MacEwen
11-Nathan Clinton
12-Parker Jamieson
13-Pierce Campbell
14-Thomas MacPhee
15-Wyatt Bulpitt
16-Xavier Beck
17-Zach Clinton
18-Zach Hebert
Denver Clinton